
Dr. Ute Baumeister


  Tel: ~345-5525827
  Fax: ~345-5527156




Geförderte Projekte im Exzellenzcluster (07/2005-06/2008)


  • X-ray diffraction on liquid crystals,
  • X-ray structure analysis.


  • G. Dantlgraber, U. Baumeister, S. Diele, H. Kresse, B. Luehmann, H. Lang, C. Tschierske, "Evidence for a New Ferroelectric Switching Liquid Crystalline Phase Formed by a Carbosilane Based Dendrimer with Banana-Shaped Mesogenic Units", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, 14852-14853 (2002).
  • A. Mori, M. Yokoo, M. Hashimoto, S. Ujiie, S. Diele, U. Baumeister, C. Tschierske, "A Novel Biaxial Smectic Liquid Crystalline Phase Formed by Rod-type Molecules with a 1,3-Diazaazulene Skeleton", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 6620-6621 (2003)
  • X. Cheng, M. Prehm, M. K. Das, J. Kain, U. Baumeister, S. Diele, D.Leine, A. Blume, C. Tschierske, "Calamitic Bolaamphiphiles with (Semi)Perfluorinated Lateral Chains: Polyphilic Block Molecules with New Liquid Crystalline Phase Structures", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 10977-10996 (2003).
  • B. Chen, X. B. Zeng, U. Baumeister, S. Diele, G. Ungar, C. Tschierske, "Liquid crystals with complex superstructures", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 43 (35), 4621-4625 (2004)
  • B. Chen, U. Baumeister, S. Diele, M. K. Das, X. B. Zeng, G. Ungar, C. Tschierske, B. Chen, "A new type of square columnar liquid crystalline phases formed by facial amphiphilic triblock molecules", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 8608-8609 (2004).
  • X. Cheng, M. K. Das, U. Baumeister, S. Diele, C. Tschierske, "Liquid Crystalline Bolaamphiphiles with Semiperfluorinated Lateral Chains: Competition between Layerlike and Honeycomb-Like Organization", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 12930-12940 (2004)
  • C. Keith, R. A. Reddy, U. Baumeister, C. Tschierske, "Banana-Shaped Liquid Crystals with Two Oligosiloxane End-Groups: Field-Induced Switching of Supramolecular Chirality", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126,14312-14313 (2004).
  • B. Chen, X. Zeng, U. Baumeister, G. Goran; C. Tschierske, "Liquid Crystalline Networks Composed of Pentagonal, Square, and Triangular Cylinders", Science 307, 96-99 (2005).
  • A. G. Cook, U. Baumeister, C. Tschierske, "Supramolecular Dendrimers: Unusual mesophases of ionic liquid crystals derived from protonation of DAB dendrimers with facial amphiphilic carboxylic acids", J. Mater. Chem. 15, 1708 - 1721 (2005).
  • D. Kardas, M. Prehm, U. Baumeister, D. Pociecha, R. A. Reddy, G. H. Mehl, C. Tschierske, "End functionalised liquid crystalline bent core molecules and first DAB derived dendrimers with banana shaped mesogenic units", J. Mater. Chem. 15, 1722 -1733 (2005).

(letzte Änderung: 04.07.2023, 13:34 Uhr)